Hi Felix,

I had ever had similar problem with viewing the surface image. It was caused by an 
incorrect fov value in COR-.info file. I found that if I converted the raw data into 
COR volume in csurf, the fov value was 0; if I converted them in command line with 
mri_convert, it was 0.256. This fov error might also affect the further surface 
construction, but everything was OK when fov was 0.256. Hope that these information 
may be helpful to you.

With best wishes,
Xiangchuan Chen

========  Start Of Original Message  ========

   Date: 2002-04-22    Time: 00:04:00
   From: Felix Blankenburg ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
     To: freesurfer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Problems

>Dear Freesurfers!
>Does anyone know a solution for the following problem:  after running
>freesurfer I have to zoom in the surface every time for a few hundred per
>cent to see it correctly in the display window (i. e. how to save the
>surface size)? An other problem is, when I try to overlay a statistical
>parametric map (SPM99) in 2D (i. e. in tkmedit) it looks misplaced whereas
>in 3D ( i.e. in tksurfer) it looks fine. Is there any possibility for a
>correct transformation in 2D or is it intended? Is there any possibility to
>change the colour of the surfaces?
>Thank you very much for your help and best greetings,
>Felix Blankenburg

=========  End Of Original Message  =========

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