check the fov field in the subject's mri/T1/ file. If it is 0,
then change it to .256.


On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Rutvik Desai wrote:

> Hello,
> During the "Edit Segmentation" stage, the Tksurfer window
> does not seem to recognize any mouse operations. The TkMedit
> display and controls work fine. But the Tksurfer window
> is black to begin with. I can see the 3D surface if
> I zoom out (reduce the brain size) a great deal. After that.
> the cursor and the mouse positions are always in the center,
> regardless of where you move or click the mouse in the display.
> There are no white dots as described in the manual, even after
> redrawing. I have tried different static versions of Tksurfer
> provided with the distribution, but all give the same result.
> Any ideas are welcome.
> thanks,
> Rutvik

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