>  So xine is crashing before it does anything?
>  What is xiTK?

No idea... something from the UI i guess.

>  > but only after I press esc in freevo.
>  What does the output of /var/log/freevo/xine-stdout.log?
nothing. really!

>  And more importantly what is on the console when you run the xine
>  command from a xterm?
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ xine --auto-play=fq --hide-gui --borderless --geometry 
800x600+0+0 --no-splash --no-lirc --stdctl -V xv -A 
oss  --post='pp:quality=10;expand' file:///home/lyra/MOV01482.MPG
This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.99.5cvs.
(c) 2000-2006 The xine Team.
<stop here, then I press enter>
xiTK received SIGSEGV signal, RIP.

ThereĀ“s no sign from xine that the video has finished.

Christian Lyra


  A novice asked the master: ``I have a program that sometime runs and 
sometimes aborts. I have followed the rules of programming, yet I am 
totally baffled. What is the reason for this?'' 
  The master replied: ``You are confused because you do not understand 
Tao. Only a fool expects rational behavior from his fellow humans. Why 
do you expect it from a machine that humans have constructed? Computers 
simulate determinism; only Tao is
                                                The Tao Of Programing

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