On Oct 3, 2006, at 2:13 PM, Giles Bowkett wrote:
> I'm using it with Rails. Regular Ruby; I know the JRuby guys got hired
> by Sun. Rails is the main thing I do these days.

Hi Giles.  Rails does seem to have hit a sweet spot, from what I hear.

Could you say a bit more about its architecture?  I'm not sure what  
its all about.

We've used php, servlets, lucene, tomcat, and so on, .. and have  
looked at semi-cms type systems like wordpress and textprocessing.   
But mainly we've just wrapped up our own "web pipes" so to speak.  So  
I'm not very clear on what Rails and its similar spin-offs have to  

     -- Owen

Owen Densmore    505-988-3787 http://backspaces.net
Redfish Group:   505-995-0206 http://redfish.com  http://friam.org/

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