Is anyone working on Real Time Organizational Modeling where the model 
continually evolves
based on changes in the organization. All members of the organization 
contribute to the changes even
down to the creation of an email, how the email contents affect the 
organization and how the
recipients respond to the email.  What I am looking for is the encoding of an 
organization such that as
someone creates an email, an observer can watch this happening in the model and 
see the effect. 
Maybe the email has little or no impact or maybe it has a growing ripple 

This model should have a view of the entire organization including tracking all 
actions performed.  I realize that
trying to capture everything is a bit daunting but if possible it could yield 
incredible insight into how organizations
work. I generally feel that most decisions made in organizations are made with 
such limited information that it is
amazing that most organizations don't fail. Or is that they are a lot less 
brittle than one might imagine.

I know that there is quite a bit of work done in more bit size pieces. I'm 
mainly interested in the much larger task
of taking a company of 40K and tracking every action and interaction. And then 
by extension, actions connected
outside of the organization. I know, huge, maybe impossible. Is there a way to 
adapt social networking 
concepts to an organization to help model it?

Any ideas?


John Hellier

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