Hi John, welcome to the warm pile of puppies!

Just curious: is there a book or paper(s) you'd recommend for folks  
interested in category theory?  Maybe two, considering the FRIAM  
audience: one for folks with a good undergrad math background, and one  
for generalists?

I ask because several conversations here have mentioned it and I've  
yet to hear a conversation that could not have simply used basic  
"modern algebraic" notions of sets and operations on them: groups,  
rings, fields, integer domains, and so on.

    -- Owen

On Aug 11, 2008, at 8:11 PM, John F. Kennison wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is John Kennison and I am glad to be welcomed to the Friam  
> group. I am a retired Math professor and have been a friend and  
> colleague of Nick Thompson's for many years. My field is category  
> theory and I am interested in all kinds of applications of  
> categories to other areas of math, including dynamical systems. I  
> have been reading Rosen's "Life Itself" which seems half-baked,  
> pretentious and badly written, but which also seems to be asking  
> some deep and important questions. So I enjoy trying to puzzle my  
> way through it.
> I like listening to discussions about the nature of math. While I  
> have practical experience as a mathematician and am not afraid to  
> voice my opinions, I have done almost no philosophical  reading on  
> this subject.
> ---John
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

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