On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Marcus G. Daniels <mar...@snoutfarm.com>wrote:

> A person prototyping code for a new problem doesn't yet have whole thing in
> their head, so they don't want to commit to decisions like global sharing of
> data.  malloc/free is undesirable in that situation because it just adds one
> more thing to keep track of.

Well, yes, except...  Running your C++ prototype code through ValGrind and
checking for leaks is only one short step, and a good idea anyhow.  I've not
found keeping track of new()/delete() to be that onerous when prototyping.
On the other hand, having the crutch of a garbage collector always around
can cause a developer to become insensitive to memory issues...

Isn't this fun?  We could probably go on like this this all day!


> Marcus


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