

I am no friend of Romney, but, whatever else you might say about the big dig, 
it rescued Boston from the utter destruction imposed by the central artery 
project, reconnecting historic sites in the city, and reintegrating the city in 
many ways.  I have only been back to the city a few times since the completion, 
but just on those few occasions that I have used chunks of the Big Dig to get 
places, the effect is miraculous.


As for the corruption, I just don’t know.    




From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2012 7:49 PM
To: Douglas Roberts
Cc: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] PRES12_WTA Prospectus - The University of Iowa


As an adamant atheist, this is still low on my list of reasons to dislike 

No one has really talked about what Bain Capital does - I have nothing against 
raising money, but he should not be allowed to claim he was a job creator 
<> . Also, the idea that he 
will be less in Wall Street's pocket than Obama is laughable. 

No one has talked about how he was Governor for the biggest pork-barrel, 
corruption riddled, big-government, public-works disaster in US history - 
Boston's "Big Dig <> ", $14.6 BILLION 
dollars... and then the ceiling collapsed. 

People are still not sure how to handle his roll in the Mass health care laws. 

He pulled off not-raising taxes while governor of Mass, only by implementing an 
incredible number of "fees" and slashing funding to education. 

When you look at his record, he sure seems to be for big, intrusive, expansive 
government - the opposite of his supposedly republican values - and he seems to 
be war-mongering recently and getting even more invasion-of-your-home preachy 
in recent speeches. 

That said, he ebbs and flows with the poll results as well as any politician I 
have seen. It almost seems bad enough that if the polls showed he would win as 
a Hindu, you might have a new list of odd believes to complain about pretty 


P.S. These complaints should in no way be seen as an endorsement of some other 
guy (or gal <> ).

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 05:41 PM, Douglas Roberts <> wrote:

Or, possibly it's due to the growing education of the masses, and the attendant 
dawning realization that Romney believes that god is a space alien who lives on 
the crystal planet Kolob.  And that he baptizes dead people. And that before 
1978 he held to church doctrine that black people were "loathsome unto thy 
people".  After 1978, of course, black people were just hunky.  


In other words, it's becoming clear that he believes in really goofy shit, and 
his judgement may therefore be a bit suspect.


I mean, of course, the above belief set as compared one that requires believing 
in a sadistic god and a useless savior; walking on water, rising from the dead, 
big floods and ocean-going animal husbandry, etc.


But maybe all of the above is just my perception, and the fact that atheism 
continues to sound reasonable. Perhaps people are beginning to realize that the 
better they get to know Romney, the less there is to like about him.




On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 1:16 PM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:

There has been an increase in the divergence between the two parties, possibly 
due to the VP choice?


   -- Owen



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