Well, define "tool".

Dick is (or was) a theoretical astrophysicist, and Bart was a lawyer.  But
even the simplest  little bit of technology would always stump either one
of them.  For the longest time I considered it to be a studied stupidity.
 I later came to believe that it was either genuine, or a deep intrinsic
mental laziness.

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 4:22 PM, glen <g...@ropella.name> wrote:

> Douglas Roberts wrote at 01/15/2013 03:06 PM:
> > I know any number of technophobes and technoklutzes.  They are *always*
> in
> > conflict with technology.  Sometimes technology as simple as operating a
> > cell phone.  I refer to this as the "Bart" trait. I have an uncle named
> > Bart.  He's the most technologically-conflicted person I know.  Unless
> it's
> > his brother Dick.
> >
> > Seriously.  Dick burned up two lawn mowers before discovering that they
> had
> > oil.  Which needed to be checked, and occasionally topped off.
> >
> > And calling Bart on his cell phone is a waste of button-pushing because
> he
> > never remembers that cell phones need recharging.
> So, the question that arises is whether or not Bart or Dick have ever
> invented any tools of their own?  Or are they always using tools
> invented by other people?
> I know lots of people who are entirely incompetent at using other
> people's tools, but fantastic at using their own.  I also know some
> people who refuse to use a tool "properly", but seem to be very
> efficient at achieving their objectives.
> --
> glen
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*Doug Roberts
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