Sarbajit -

And here we thought it was you!

Pranking Nick is just mean, but maybe you could give Doug a ring and tell him you can fix his Bluetooth/WiFi problem if he just gives you his credit card and bank account numbers and the keys to his BMW Motorcycle...

We could all have a party and help you spend out his accounts ordering stuff online... Do you think he's gullible enough?

- Steve

This scam has been around for years

On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 1:33 AM, Douglas Roberts < <>> wrote:

    I've gotten a few of those over the past few days from similarly
    accented people trying to tell me that my Windows machine was
    infected with a virus, but the callers' numbers were blocked.

    No, I didn't bother to Linuxize them, although that would have
    been fun.


    On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Nicholas Thompson
    < <>>

        Can anybody confirm this as a new form of pfishing?

        I got a call from a number in DC today, somebody with a strong
        Indian sub-continent accident, telling me that my computer was
        sending error messages to the network and offering to help me
        correct them. (I have the number in my phone trap, and would
        report it if I knew where to report it to.) The next step
        involved my going on my computer and connect it to them, I
        assume.   These guys were pretty bad at what they were doing,,
        but I can imagine a more subtle line that I might have fallen

        Does anybody recognize this?


        Nicholas S. Thompson

        Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

        Clark University
        <> <>

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