One thing that is easy to forget is that most modern OS use any "free"
RAM for disk cache (aka buffers), so you will always look like you're
using 100% RAM.

What's really important is to look for processes in the D state under top,
(which are doing I/O) and also the amount of swap actually being used.

But something has really gone awry on modern GUIs - my wife swears at
(not by) the KDE interface running on my Linux box when things slow to
a crawl (usually when I'm doing something slightly I/O intensive),
whereas my trusty (and perhaps krusty) old fvwm is as lithe and
responsive as ever.

I used a Windows 7 machine at a previous client's with 4GB of memory
and quad core. The machine would always slow to a crawl if I had
Visual Studio, Firefox and Eclipse all open at the same time (and of
course Cygwin), and even without eclipse running, I would need to
restart Visual Studio and Firefox on the order of once a day to
reclaim leaked memory. I got good at selectively killing processes so
that I didn't need to do a full reboot every time. The CPU might be
quad core, but never saw the load average go much above about 1.5,
even with multiple parallel C++ compiles happening - the machine was
far too I/O dominated.

Something is wrong with Virtual Memory handling in modern UIs - it
doesn't seem to matter which OS you're using. It's one good reaon
keeping me using Linux, because I have the choice to use a minimal
window manager that gets out of the way and lets you use the machine.


On Fri, Jul 05, 2013 at 02:45:53PM -0600, Owen Densmore wrote:
> O
> n my non-SSD mini, before the change to SSD, I often had the experience
> you mention.  Since then, no.  But likely the behavior is still the same,
> just that the SSD manages it better.
> Before SSD, I had to run "purge" in a terminal to get the memory back.
>  I'll try starting lots of apps and see what happens on the new mini/SSD.
> Would be nice if Apple, finally, learns to handle swap space better.  Maybe
> Mountain Lion did so?
>    -- Owen
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Steve Smith <> wrote:
> >  Owen ( and other OSX fanbois)  -
> >
> > I'm guessing that a few others here will be interested in the technical
> > details of this topic...
> >
> > I did not become interested in OSXs memory management until about 6 months
> > ago when my PBPro with 4G running 10.6.x started throwing me the rainbow
> > frisbee of death (or at least tedium) often.   I began to look at the
> > process table (via Activity Monitor) and noticed that **all** my
> > applications seemed to be bloating up with memory... as if each and every
> > one had memory leaks.
> >
> > Firefox, Thunderbird and Skype were the most notable.   I kind of assumed
> > that the problem was a system library that they all shared, and aggravated
> > by the fact that they were all naturally wanting/needing/using lots of
> > their own internal cache (well, maybe not Tbird so much?)...  I also
> > assumed that I had not updated my system properly (I tend to be pretty
> > cavalier about keeping up with suggested updates, but trust the system (at
> > large) to know what needs to be updated and not leave anything in the
> > cracks)...
> >
> > I recently finally buried that machine after stripping it down to replace
> > the charging port only to find afterwards that the problem was NOT that my
> > battery was zeroed and my charge port too fried to take power... I finally
> > gave up and blamed the easy/last-resort "logic board failure".   I give my
> > machines a lot of abuse.   One of the SFX interns inherited the one my wife
> > ran over in Iowa (shattered screen... he used it with an external monitor).
> >
> > Anyway...  back on topic.   The 15" 2010 MBP I bought to replace it had 8G
> > and Mountain Lion installed.  I assumed (hoped futilely) that my problems
> > would evaporate with a full (up to date) fresh system (10.8.4 install and
> > max memory).   I didn't fret about it much but within a few days I started
> > noticing (mostly because my previous machine had taught me to compulsively
> > check the Memory Usage monitor) that I was operating on virtually 0 free
> > memory as before.   The big difference was that I was not getting the
> > whirling frisbee of death very often and nearly 1/2 of the memory is
> > labeled "Inactive", though under the 4G 10.6 circumstance I also had
> > significant "Inactive" memory available at all times...
> >
> > I am postulating (very tentatively) that this new machine/configuration is
> > more efficient at reclaiming "Inactive Memory" just-in-time... perhaps
> > because it has the quad-thread version of the duo core or perhaps 10.8
> > fixed it up, or because my old system was just poorly configured (memory
> > management libraries out of date?).
> >
> > One thing I am wondering is if others have had this problem (saturating
> > physical memory and NOT getting efficient reclaiming of Inactive memory)?
> > Or if others understand whether this is a real problem or just my lame
> > understanding of how the memory management is supposed to work (I would
> > sort of expect the Apps themselves to be managing memory more effectively
> > than they seem to themselves, not just trusting the VM to keep them out of
> > trouble?).
> >
> > - Steve
> >
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Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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