Marcus -

Thus, it is not a necessarily a good sign when someone that has to make people cooperate takes a direct approach. It may just show that they lack the memory and patience to turn over all the necessary rocks and think about how they relate before taking action.

Thus: *"< *Give him credit or not"

I never have given him any credit for this feature, but I do believe many do, and I do understand that this is a powerful mode of being in (too) many people. It is the default *I* go to when *deeply* cornered, which suggests to me that our disaffected "populist" portion of his base were acting out of some kind of fear, ready to gulp down any Snake Oil offered up to allay the very fear said Snake Oil Purveyor was whipping up in the crowd. They should be choking on that Snake Oil anytime if they aren't already.

As frightening as I find many of our current events, I pull out my Pollyanna persona to protect me from joining the mob (or the anti-mob) simply because I am too frightened to keep looking for better solutions.

I had a much more Cynical persona that gave me relief from fear when I (first) voted for Reagan, then (second) saw the error of my ways and withdrew significantly from political interests for 20 years.

I'm balancing this habit/nature to be stampeded by fear into acting foolishly against Edmund Burkes' admonition: /The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing./

It feels to me that more and more good men (and women) are doing *something* even in the face of bodily harm. I think that many of these people have thoughtfully turned over many rocks before acting. As tedious as that process can be and as much as it feels like it puts one at a disadvantage against those who have no trouble acting in a knee jerk fashion, I want to believe it is a more viable strategy in the long run.

When the Trump Rally started in the markets (January?), I pulled way back mainly because I did not want to profit from his bad acting and those who are finding profit in his bad actions. I believe now that this bubble is ready to collapse and the vanguard of that collapse might be others who see the injustice in profiting from war, xenophobia, science-denial, etc. if not simply those with enough self-interest (enlightened or not) to flee before the ship sinks to a new bottom. It may still take impeachment proceedings or criminal charges to kick the stool out from under this propped up mess, but that will just make it fall harder.

Hope springs infernal,
 - Steve

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