This activities list contains some new activities and revisions of 
activities listed in the June (Summer) newsletter. 

All listed activities, except the picnic, will be held in the Congress 
Hotel at 306 W. Franklin St., Suite 102.  On street parking is 
available. Handicap parking and entrance are available in the adjacent 
lot with appropriate identification. Call 410-581-2322 for more 
information. Also check our newsletter and web site: <>

 MAIL NOTICE:  The September Newsletter will probably not be mailed 
until next week.

 Sat Aug 26  10:30 AM:  Clean up party

Sun Aug 27  10:30 AM: Baby naming - Ron and Carol's latest grandchild

Sun Aug 27  10:45 AM: Video Sunday: "Unconstitutional: The War on Our 
Civil Liberties" a film by Nonny de la Pe?a sponsored by the ACLU.  The 
viewing will followed by potluck lunch (bring something to share) and 
discussion (details on film below)


Sat Sep 2  7 PM  Young Poets Night, hosted by and featuring Olivia with 
a special guest poet, followed by an open mic.

Sun Sep 3  10:30 AM:  Open Discussion.  What do you want to talk about?  
Steve Meskin, facilitator.

Mon Sep 4  Noon to 3 PM:  Labor Day Potluck Picnic.  Bring a dish to 
share.  At the Solomons.  Call for directions.


Sat Sep 9  5:30 PM  (Confirm time before going) Board Meeting - Members 

Sun Sep 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM drop off MOVEABLE TREATS (see newsletter for 

Sun Sep 10  10:30 AM:  A CELEBRATION OF LIFE by Leader Fritz Williams, 
our opening platform for the 2006-07 year.

Sun Sep 10  12:30 PM:  MEMORIAL SERVICE for Glascoe Baker followed by 
potluck lunch.


/*Unconstitutional*/ provides the facts and stories that illuminate 
administration lies, wrongheaded policies, and the real victims of these 
actions--the American people.

Here, you'll get the real story behind the USA PATRIOT Act and other 
administration policies and the gut wrenching stories behind those 
affected--from law-abiding store clerks to United States Olympians 
unable to travel.  It'll remind you of what America used to stand for 
and what it seems we're falling for now.  In short, this one-hour film 
will affirm why you're angry and give you a tool to help others join 
your ranks.

"We created /*Unconstitutional */to show Americans the extent to which 
our civil liberties and our freedoms have been trampled upon by our 
government since 9/11," said Robert Greenwald, the film's executive 
producer. "The more Americans understand what is at stake, and what has 
already been lost, the more determined we become to protect our 
rights."/* Unconstitutional, */which was written, directed and produced 
by Nonny de la Pe?a, explores how the Patriot Act has taken away checks 
on law enforcement and continues to endanger the civil liberties of all 
Americans. The Patriot Act, which was passed just 45 days after 
September 11 with virtually no debate, is being met with a significant 
grassroots groundswell from across the political spectrum. Resolutions 
opposing the Patriot Act have passed in approximately 340 communities in 
41 states, including four statewide resolutions. These communities 
represent over 53 million people who believe that the Patriot Act goes 
too far. /*Unconstitutional */is a chilling look at how the Patriot Act 
went too far, too fast in restricting important liberties while not 
making us any safer," ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said. "The 
ACLU is proud to support Greenwald's effort to present a bipartisan view 
of the problems with the Patriot Act." By focusing on the personal 
stories of real people, /*Unconstitutional */aims to reveal how 
paranoia, fear and racial profiling have led to gross infringements on 
freedom and democracy without strengthening national security. In 
addition to interviews with Romero, the film features a diverse 
cross-section of people, including:

    * Vincent Cannistraro, former director of the CIA's
      counter-terrorism operations Aquil Abdullah, member of the U.S.
      rowing team at the 2004 Olympics Anne Turner, Librarian, Santa
      Cruz Public Library Bob Barr, former Republican Congressman from
      Georgia Major Michael Mori, U.S. military lawyer appointed to
      Guantanamo detainee David Hicks
    * Sam Hamoui, a Seattle resident whose parents and sister were
      detained by federal agents

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