
This weekend BES is hosting two events of interest: the film
"I.O.U.S.A." on Friday and a talk on physical fitness on Sunday,
Remember that our events are on our calendar at

and you can follow us on Twitter @bmorethical .

Friday, August 13, 7:30 pm

Tomorrow, the Second Friday Ironweed Film Club will screen the film
"I.O.U.S.A."  According to Reuters, "this film may be to the
U.S. economy what 'An Inconvenient Truth' was to the environment."
This film is based on a book by Baltimore author Addison Wiggin, of
Agora Financial.

About the film:
The U.S. has been spending its way deeper and deeper into the red, and
saddling future generations with the mess – but who's paying
attention?  This defiantly nonpartisan film takes a lively and
entertaining romp through the four deficits the US faces: budget,
savings, trade, and leadership.

For more information, visit .

Sunday, August 15, 10:30 am


Why Eating Right and Exercise Aren't Enough
by Dianne Hirsch

As men and women go through life (and especially in the later years),
we lose lean muscle in our bodies. If we don't make a concerted effort
to reverse that trend and actually BUILD muscle, several things happen
that can affect our future health. And none of those things are very

With the use of free weights, Dianne will demonstrate ways to build
muscle mass, and she will custom design a strength training program
for any man or woman interested. You will be able to walk away with a
written plan in hand and tips on where to purchase weights. Several
sets of free weights will be available for use during the
session. (Note: Women in general -- because genetic factors provide
prevention -- need not be concerned about "bulking up." So, please
don't let any such concern stop you from attending and participating.)

(Dianne Hirsch taught aerobics for 11 years and earned her Personal
Trainer certification in 2000.)

Hope to see you this weekend!

Best regards,


Emil Volcheck

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