Our "Moveable Treats" monthly donation day of desserts for Moveable Feast 
("Feed People, Fight Disease, Foster Hope" www.mfeast.org) has been rescheduled 
to this Sunday, 1/9/11. The head chef from Moveable Feast has given us updated 
details on what they can use - please read them in BESpeak or at the bottom of 
this e-mail before bringing in donations.

The platform meeting, beginning at 10:30 AM, features a talk by Ethical Culture 
Leader Hugh Taft-Morales "Evangelizing for Evolution". Although Ethical Culture 
places deed before creed, there are few claims about reality more universally 
accepted within humanism than the theory of evolution. Yet creationism is alive 
and well in the United States. In preparing to celebrate Darwin Day next month, 
how can evolution satisfy human spiritual yearnings for experiences such as 
awe, humility, and a connection to something greater than ourselves? Can 
humanists ethically evangelize for evolution?

And for those who can manage to get up early (or who are by nature early 
risers), the Poetry Group will meet at 9:30; this month's theme is "honesty." 
Poems on other themes may also be shared.

I hope to see you there! (Moveable Treats info follows)
Karen Elliott, for the Program Committee

These guidelines come from Damon R. Hersh,  Moveable Feast’s Executive Chef:
All food must be individually portioned. Please no left-overs, or unused or 
past date products from homes. (Licensed, inspected organizations are more 
accepted based on more stringent guidelines they must follow.) We reserve the 
right to refuse any food products that do not fit these protocols. We reserve 
the right to utilize all donated food products to our best decision.
 Items we love to accept:
1.       Baked goods*
2.       Fresh produce
3.       Individually wrapped baked goods*
4.       Bulk food donations from food service organizations
5.       Individually packaged snacks
6.       Bottled beverages
7.       Canned goods Non-dented, non-expired 
8.       Cookies, brownies, cakes, cupcakes (all portioned)*
*All baked goods should have an ingredient list.
 Items we cannot accept:
1.       Bulk proteins, meat, seafood (of any kind)
2.       Bulk packaged cupcakes, breads, baked goods
3.       Store bought chips, pretzels, candies (unless in snack pack size)
4.       Previously prepared and then frozen foods
5.       Leftovers from fridge cleaning, picnics,  parties etc
6.       Un-packaged anything
7.       Food products in damaged packaging (dents, labels missing etc)
 As a good rule of thumb, the farther a product is from its natural state, the 
less likely we are to accept it. In addition, if the item’s history is even in 
doubt as to the sanitation practices used to prepare, store, package, or 
transport it, we can't accept it.
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