Hello BES members and friends!

I am a PhD student at the Hopkins School of Medicine and the chair of the
BES Ethical Action Committee. I am gathering people affiliated with Johns
Hopkins to create a base of support that can convince Hopkins President
Daniels (and other leadership if necessary) to support reinvestment in
youth opportunity in Baltimore, and* I need your help*!

As you may know, the Ethical Action committee has been involved in work to
bring opportunity to all of Baltimore's youth, especially those in
impoverished communities that are suffering the most. BES has joined the
coalition Affirmative Youth Opportunity, made up of many dedicated groups
in Baltimore, including Safe and Sound. Collectively, we have been working
to stop the state from building a new youth prison, and to convince them to
reinvest the money ($104 million!) on rehabilitative measures and youth
opportunities instead. We have been successful in stopping the new jail
(!), but the State of Maryland has not yet agreed to invest positively in
our youth.

That is where Johns Hopkins comes in. Hopkins is a powerful voice in
Baltimore and in Maryland as a whole, and a statement of support for
investing in youth opportunity could go a long way to making this
reinvestment a reality. Hopkins has recently started their own community
revitalization work in the neighborhoods around their campuses, and I think
this vision allies very closely with what they are trying to do. Getting
Hopkins on board, therefore, seems a very achievable goal, and one that
could have a tremendously positive outcome for youth in Baltimore, and the
health of the city for everyone who lives and works here.

I am working closely with Hopkins alum and Safe and Sound organizer David
Avruch to build this base of support, and *we need as many
Hopkins-affiliated allies as we can get* to bring our message to Hopkins
leadership. If you are a student, employee, faculty member, alumna/us, are
in any other way affiliated with Johns Hopkins, or know someone who is,
please contact me! I also have lots of material and data on this issue, and
if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Together, I truly believe that we can build a brighter future for

In Gratitude and Fellowship,

Kate LaClair
BES Ethical Action Chair
Member, Affirmative Youth Opportunity
Friends mailing list

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