Dear friends,

Please join us as we celebrate World Humanist Day this Friday
with the Baltimore Coalition of Reason.  We will screen
the documentary "In God We Teach" and hear Matthew LaClair
read from his forthcoming book.

What: "In God We Teach" with Matthew LaClair
When: 7:00 pm, Friday, June 21, 2013.  Come early for pizza at 6:30 pm.
Where: The Baltimore Ethical Society, 306 W. Franklin St.



Admission is free and open to the public.
Child care will be provided.

If you're coming for pizza, please email
so we have an idea how much to order.  Donations are
welcomed for pizza.

In the documentary "In God We Teach," filmmaker Vic Losick tells the
story of Matthew LaClair, who rose to national prominence by
challenging his history teacher who preached his religious views in
class.  Matthew will take questions and read from his forthcoming book
"The Preachin' Mr. P: Condemned in a Kearny Classroom."
The website for the film is

Parking is free on Franklin Street.  Directions at

More about the film:

Are teachers allowed to express their personal opinions in the
classroom?  Can competing theories be taught alongside evolution in a
public classroom?  These and other questions are the focus of the
full-length documentary, "In God We Teach," which follows the
“separation of church and state” controversy played out in a very
public feud between a high school student and his history teacher in
Kearny, NJ, a blue-collar, all-American town within sight of downtown
New York.

About Matthew LaClair:

Matthew LaClair started out as a student activist from Kearny, N.J.,
challenging his U.S. History teacher for preaching his religious
beliefs during class time and taking on an American Government
textbook that contained inaccurate and biased information. For his
efforts, he has appeared on and in numerous media outlets including
The New York Times, Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, and Brian Lehrer on
NPR and has published an Op-Ed piece in a Sunday edition of the Los
Angeles Times. He has delivered dozens of addresses around the country
and in London, and has received numerous awards from organizations
including the ACLU, the American Humanist Association, and the
American Ethical Union.

Since 2009, Matthew has hosted a talk show called "Equal Time for
Freethought" on WBAI 99.5FM in NYC, interviewing authors, scientists
and public figures including Neil deGrasse Tyson, Lawrence Krauss,
Chris Mooney, and Ellery Schempp. He graduated from The New School in
NYC with a B.A. in Culture and Media studies this past summer and will
be attending Columbia Journalism School starting in late August to
pursue an M.A. in Science Journalism.  Matthew is the brother of BES
member Kate LaClair.

The Baltimore Coalition of Reason website is .

Emil Volcheck

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