At 1232722446 time_t, Julien Escario wrote:
> D'où ma question : existe t'il un moyen de faire ça plus proprement ou je 
> suis parti pour planter des machines en plus qui feront firewall ? 
> (proprio ou iptables, je me poserais cette question plus tard).

Fixer le range de port sur le serveur FTP.
Par exemple, avec pure-ftpd cela se fait avec l'option -p:

 Use  only  ports  in  the  range first to last inclusive
 for passive-mode downloads. This means that clients will not try to open
 connections to TCP ports outside the range first - last, which
 makes pure-ftpd more compatible with packet filters. Note
 that the maximum number of clients (specified with -c) is forced down to
 (last + 1 - first)/2 if it is greater,  as  the  default  is.
 (The syntax for the port range is, conveniently, the same
 as that of iptables).

Julien Danjou
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