Good news: I have finished mirroring the image.

Bad news: No matter how hard I try, my eeePC 900HA refused to work with this version (although it's more likely to be the other way around -- this version refused to work with the eeePC, I would guess). After trying to read the disk for about 5 minutes, it dropped me to the busybox prompt. Tried with both the "casper" and the "alternative" image, both refused to work.

Guess I have to go back to Fedora 11 or Moblin? After trying Fedora for a while, I really missed Ubuntu.

On Apr 16, 2009, at 11:17 PM, Patrick Kilgore wrote:

Ubuntu 9.04rc is fairly slick too for those gnome fans out there. Be careful with ext4 (even on Kubuntu), there are still a few issues I've been seeing on launchpad dealing with pre-allocation that are causing data loss, particularly in configuration files. There are reasons it is not enabled by default. However, even without ext4 i saw about a 10 second improvement in boot times on my old clunker laptop. The new gnome (especially with new theme/notification skin) makes this version look particularly slick compared to 8.10.

Patrick Kilgore | Truman State University | - | 314.803.0842

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Huan Truong <> wrote:
Good news for everyone:

The Kubuntu 9.04 - Jaunty Jackalope RC is out now. If nothing special happens, this RC will be identical to the official version which will be released in one week.

What's new in Kubuntu 9.04:
* KDE 4.2.2 (The first KDE version that doesn't suck!)
* Qt 4.5: First LGPL Qt!
* Fast booting!
* ext4: You don't have to wait 2 minutes each time it checks your disks.
* DigiKam for your picture editing and management needs
* AmaroK 2!

It's a pity we don't have kernel modesetting like Fedora 11, which I absolutely felt in love with, but you can compile and install it yourself (however I don't think it will be easy.) The deal about kernel modesetting is that you don't have to run X as a superuser anymore. Cosmetically switching between VT is super fast and the screen no longer flicks while starting up or shutting down.

I have a mirror of the Kubuntu 9.04 alternative image at (on-campus only)

As I'm writing this message, the download is not finished yet but will complete very soon. Make sure you don't see a .rc file in my iso directory - if you see one that means it's not completed yet.

- Huan T.

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