With the help of Sai I was able to locate a custom change I had inserted
within the ftpd.bat file to always use my custom xml file rather than the
default configuration.

The newer version 1.06 did not of course have this custom change.

Once I added the change, version 1.06 of the Apache FTP started with no
problems and worked as expected.

Thanks for your help, Sai.


From: Sai Pullabhotla [mailto:sai.pullabho...@jmethods.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 10:40 AM
To: ge...@gerrymatte.ca
Subject: Re: FW: Connection failures Upgrading from 1.04 to 1.06


Glad it is working. Please post back to the forum with the issue you had
and indicating it is all fixed, so other won't spend time looking at your


Sai Pullabhotla

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Gerry Matte <ge...@gerrymatte.ca> wrote:

You are right.

I had inserted the name of the config file into my 1.04 ftpd.bat file.

When I made the same change to the 1.06  batch file everything is now

Thanks for the help.



From: Sai Pullabhotla [mailto:sai.pullabho...@jmethods.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 9:40 AM
To: ge...@gerrymatte.ca
Subject: Re: FW: Connection failures Upgrading from 1.04 to 1.06


How are you starting the FTP Server? Can you send the command you used to
start both previous version and new version. Looks like you are not
overriding the config file the server should use, but we will know once
you look at your command. 

Sai Pullabhotla

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Gerry Matte <ge...@gerrymatte.ca> wrote:

Hi Sai.
Yes - I did also copy over my keystore file.
Attached are the logs (both client and server) for a test connection to
each version.
Take a look at the server log for 1.06 - it does not state that it is
using my ftpd.xml file - which is explicitly stated by version 1.04

I'm sending this directly to you instead of to the list because the
attached files identify my server and my login id and I'd rather not
broadcast this info to the list.

Thanks for your help.
Gerry Matte

-----Original Message-----
From: Sai Pullabhotla [mailto:sai.pullabho...@jmethods.com]
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 8:10 AM
To: ftpserver-users@mina.apache.org
Subject: Re: Connection failures Upgrading from 1.04 to 1.06

Did you also copy the keystore file to the new install? Could you try
running the new install in debug mode and post the logs? Also helps to see
all the information that is available from CuteFTP.


Sai Pullabhotla

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Gerry Matte <ge...@gerrymatte.ca> wrote:

> Hello.****
> Yesterday I downloaded and installed version 1.06 and copied over the
> res/conf/ftpd.xml and res/conf/users.properties from my version 1.04
> res/conf folder.****
> ** **
> When I start the new version, my remote ftp client can not connect - the
> error I see in cuteFTP is "The host server actively refused to
> **
> If I start the old version instead, my remote client continues to
> without error.****
> ** **
> I've attached a copy of the ftpd.xml file as a text file. (I changed the
> address of my server for security)****
> ** **
> Are there any additional changes I need to make in order for version
> to use the same configuration as version 1.04 ?****
> ** **
> *Gerry Matte   *ge...@gerrymatte.ca**

> *250-383-2466 http://www.gerrymatte.ca*
> ** **



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