At 08:59 am 28/10/1998 , Tom Walker wrote:
>Arthur Cordell wrote,
>>A great posting from Ed.  I guess citizens all over the world are wondering
>>the same thing.  It is one thing for governments to embrace the corporate
>>agenda  it is quite another to say to its citizens, 'you are on your own.'
>>What's a citizen to do?  'Partnering'  doesn't seem to do it.
>Civil disobedience is one possibility.

In New Zealand we have recently completed "The Hikoi of Hope".  A 'hikoi'
is a Maori word for a sacred march.

It was organized (to my complete astonishment, I must admit) by the
Anglican Church and invited all NZers who wished to join one of two walks.
One started from the very south and the other from the very north and they
met at the capital, Wellington.  About 40,000 people walked all or part of
it, and 12,000+ walked the final day in Wellington.


for more information.  It was almost ignored and/or downplayed by the
media, but it was nevertheless and extraordinary event, and I think allowed
many people to realise they were not alone in their concerns and fears and


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