> From: Le Monde diplomatique <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: info-diplo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Le Monde diplomatique en anglais
> Date: Dienstag, 22. September 1998 15:39
>                    Le Monde diplomatique
>                    et The Guardian Weekly
>                    Le Monde diplomatique
>                         en anglais
>        Le 20 septembre, The Guardian Weekly a publié
>     le premier numéro du Monde diplomatique en anglais,
>              dans un supplément de seize pages.
>                              *
>                             * *
>                     PROCHAINES PARUTIONS
>                  25 OCTOBRE ET 22 NOVEMBRE
>   Pour toute demande d'information, écrire à Patrick Ensor,
>   The Guardian Weekly, 75, Farrington road, London EC1M 3HQ
>           <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Le Monde diplomatique en anglais est également disponible
>      sur Internet : http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/en/
>   Comme celles de nos éditions en allemand (Berlin et Zürich),
>   italien (Rome), espagnol (Madrid et Mexico), grec (Athènes)
>   et arabe (Beyrouth), la réussite de cette édition en langue
>   anglaise est d'une première importance à nos yeux et pour la
>   diffusion de nos idées.
>           Merci de bien vouloir nous aider à la
>           faire connaître, par exemple en adressant
>           à vos correspondants anglophones le texte
>           ci-dessous.
>   ____________________________________________________________
>   This week (20 September) will see the first of three
>   supplements of Le Monde diplomatique which are being printed
>   and distributed by The Guardian Weekly (GW) on a free trial
>   basis (September, October, November).
>   The GW is part of Guardian Publications Ltd., UK, and it is
>   distributed worldwide, sold mainly by subscription.
>   We hope this will be the start of a regular printed edition
>   of Le Monde diplomatique to which you or your friends may
>   wish to subscribe, jointly with The Guardian Weekly.
>   For more information please contact Patrick Ensor,
>   The Guardian Weekly, 75, Farrington road, London EC1M 3HQ
>           <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   To secure a copy of this first edition, contact your local
>   newsagent or the Guardian Weekly to place an order. The GW
>   can be contacted for regular subscriptions at
>   <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
>   In this first issue, Ignacio Ramonet writes:
>                  Le Monde diplomatique
>                    Taking a stand
>   We are delighted to welcome readers of The Guardian Weekly
>   into the family of people who are regular readers of Le
>   Monde diplomatique...
>   Our desire to broaden the readership of Le Monde
>   diplomatique beyond the confines of France is not a recent
>   thing. Already one third of total sales of our
>   French-language edition are to readers overseas. From the
>   start, we have been not a French newspaper that happens to
>   sell abroad, but an international paper that happens to be
>   based in France.  Not only does our newspaper offer broad
>   coverage of major world developments, but we also open our
>   pages to intellectuals, experts, journalists, writers and
>   public figures from all around the world. This has been a
>   major contributing factor in our success.
>   Le Monde diplomatique is in excellent health. Over the past
>   ten years our circulation has doubled - rising from 135,000
>   copies at the end of 1987 to 270,000 by late 1997. Our
>   readers tend to be young - 81% of them are under 49 and 41%
>   under 34. We were the first paper in France to have its own
>   site on the Internet, and visits to our French-language site
>   are now approaching 200,000 per week....
>   Newspapers today are going through a bad patch. So what we
>   have achieved is good news for all who care about freedom of
>   expression, and who want to see that freedom operating in
>   the interests of reliable reporting, a concern for justice
>   and an ethic of solidarity...
>   Our readers appreciate us because we are serious about our
>   journalism. They like the fact that, in dealing with the
>   news, we dig deeply into issues of economics, sociology,
>   politics, science, technology, ecology, culture and
>   ideology. They want to understand the complexities of the
>   global economy, and what it means for the world in which we
>   live. They want to know about new problems emerging in our
>   societies, about the strategies of the world’s major powers,
>   and about the new kinds of conflicts that are shaking the
>   world’s major regions.
>   This is the logic underlying our efforts in the past few
>   years to build foreign-language editions and partnerships
>   with newspapers outside France. Le Monde diplomatique is now
>   published on a monthly basis in seven different national
>   editions: in Italy with Il Manifesto; in Germany with
>   Tageszeitung; in Switzerland with WochenZeitung; in Spain
>   with the publisher L-Press; in Mexico with Editorial Sans
>   Frontières; in Greece with the daily Eleftherotypia; and in
>   the Arab world with the Beirut daily An-Nahar. The newspaper
>   is also available on the Internet in a Japanese version
>   published out of Tokyo. In addition, our bimonthly magazine
>   Manière de Voir is published in both Greek and Portuguese. A
>   printed English edition is long overdue to complement the
>   existing Internet and email editions.
>   This is a major project. We believe it promises well for the
>   future. And within this continuing activity we attach the
>   greatest importance to the success of our collaboration with
>   The Guardian.
>                                           IGNACIO RAMONET
>                         Director of Le Monde diplomatique

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