"Brad McCormick, Ed.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Good question.  I've often thought that a lot of
>"working class" persons could have had a better life
>style had they not had children. 


>In our grotesquely overpopulated world, I think it is
>obscene for even rich persons to have more than
>two children.

You know, the working class folk I know, and I don't know how 
representative this is of the world in general, are not completely
oblivious to the wider social implications of their breeding activities.

When asked "why have so many kids?" a typical response is "so
there'll be more of us compared to them", wherein `us' means
variously our family, our ethnic group, our political or philosophical
persuasion, our social class. There is even a sense of getting
back at the rich who oppress us by outbreeding them into oblivion,
the ultimate long term revenge, and one of the few options open to
the powerless. The fact that this will lead to trouble for everyone
eventually doesn't seem to make much impression, even when eventually
is not a long way off. The attitude seems to be well, if things
are going to be grim in the future, I'd better breed some more so
at least some of my offspring will make it through...

                                  -Pete Vincent

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