December 30, 2007
Digital Domain
NY Times

How to Lose Your Job on Your Own Time 


WERE Henry Ford 
  brought back to life today, he would most likely be delighted by the 
Internet: the uninhibited way many people express themselves on the Web makes 
it easy to supervise the private lives of employees.

In his day, the Ford Motor Company 
  maintained a "Sociological Department" staffed with investigators who visited 
the homes of all but the highest-level managers. Their job was to dig for 
information about the employee's religion, spending and savings patterns, 
drinking habits and how the worker "amused himself." 

Home inspections are no longer needed; many companies are using the Internet to 
snoop on their employees. If you fail to maintain amorphous "professional" 
standards of conduct in your free time, you could lose your job.

Employment law in most states provides little protection to workers who are 
punished for their online postings, said George Lenard, an employment lawyer at 
Harris Dowell Fisher & Harris in St. Louis. The main exceptions are workers who 
are covered by collective bargaining agreements or by special protections for 
public-sector employees; members of these groups can be dismissed only "for 
cause." The rest of us are "at will" employees, holding on to our jobs only at 
the whim of our employers, and thus vulnerable. 

A line needs to be drawn - Day-Glo bright - that demarcates the boundary 
between work and private life. When a worker is on the job, companies have 
every right to supervise activities closely. But what an employee does after 
hours, as long as no laws are broken, is none of the company's business. Of 
course, what we used to call "off hours" are fewer now, and employees may 
connect to the office nightly from home. But when they do go off the clock and 
off the corporate network, how they spend their private time should be of no 
concern to their employer, even if the Internet, by its nature, makes some 
off-the-job activities more visible to more people than was previously possible.

In the absence of strong protections for employees, poorly chosen words or even 
a single photograph posted online in one's off-hours can have career-altering 
consequences. Stacy Snyder, 25, who was a senior at Millersville University in 
Millersville, Pa., offers an instructive example. Last year, she was dismissed 
from the student teaching program at a nearby high school and denied her 
teaching credential after the school staff came across her photograph on her 
  profile. She filed a lawsuit in April this year in federal court in 
Philadelphia contending that her rights to free expression under the First 
Amendment had been violated. No trial date has been set.

Her photo, preserved at the "Wired Campus" blog of the Chronicle of Higher 
Education, turns out to be surprisingly innocuous. In a head shot snapped at a 
costume party, Ms. Snyder, with a pirate's hat perched atop her head, sips from 
a large plastic cup whose contents cannot be seen. When posting the photo, she 
fatefully captioned her self-portrait "drunken pirate," though whether she was 
serious can't be determined by looking at the photo.

Millersville University, in a motion asking the court to dismiss the case, 
contends that Ms. Snyder's student teaching had been unsatisfactory for many 
reasons. But it affirms that she was dismissed and barred from re-entering the 
school shortly after the high school staff discovered her MySpace photograph. 
The university backed the school authorities' contentions that her posting was 
"unprofessional" and might "promote under-age drinking." It also cited a 
passage in the teacher's handbook that said staff members are "to be 
well-groomed and appropriately dressed."

MR. LENARD said last week that protections for employees for off-duty behavior 
varied widely from state to state. Colorado and Minnesota have laws explicitly 
protecting all employees from discrimination for engaging in any lawful 
activity off premises during nonworking hours. In other states, like 
Pennsylvania, where Ms. Snyder lives, such protection doesn't exist.

What some employers regard as imprudent disclosure online may seem commonplace 
to the rest of us. On Dec. 16, the Pew Internet and American Life Project 
  released the results of a study, "Digital Footprints," showing that 60 
percent of Internet users surveyed are not worried about how much information 
is available about them online. 

The findings reflect a significant change within just a few years in public 
attitudes about privacy and disclosure. In an earlier Pew study, "Trust and 
Privacy Online," published in 2000, some 84 percent of respondents expressed 
concern about "businesses and people you don't know getting personal 
information about you and your family."

Susannah Fox, associate director of the Pew project and an author of both the 
2000 and 2007 surveys, told me that she was surprised by the reduced concern 
about online publication of personal information. Internet users are not just 
passively allowing personal information to slip from their control and end up 
online, where it is searchable; they are also actively putting the information 
online themselves. The "Digital Footprints" study coined a new phrase, "active 
digital footprint," to refer to the personal information that individuals 
increasingly place online voluntarily.

Personal disclosure is the norm on social networking sites. But the Pew study 
included an unexpected finding: Teenagers have the most sophisticated 
understanding of privacy controls on these sites, and they are far less likely 
than adults to permit their profiles to be visible to anyone and everyone.

Tight privacy settings won't always keep personal information placed on social 
networking sites safe from an employers' prying eyes. A manager could literally 
look over your shoulder or afterward check a history of sites you visited.

Ms. Snyder had not adjusted her MySpace privacy settings to restrict public 
access, but why should she have done so? She anticipated that her profile page 
would be seen by school authorities. On it she declared that as an adult, over 
the age of 21, she believed that "I have nothing to hide."

The day may come when nothing that is said online will be treated as 
embarrassing because we will have become accustomed to everyone disclosing 
everything. The Pew study phrases this possibility as a question: "Will we come 
to be more forgiving of embarrassing or unflattering information trails as more 
of us have our own experiences with personal data leftovers gone bad?"

In the interim, some people will be more cautious than Ms. Snyder. Ms. Fox of 
the Pew project recently paid a visit to New Orleans for a bachelorette party 
with female friends - husbands not included. She wanted to make sure that 
details of the festivities did not find their way to the Internet. She 
instructed her friends: "If you're going to upload the pictures, don't tag with 
real names." The photos went up, without traceable digital fingerprints. 

Randall Stross is an author based in Silicon Valley and a professor of business 
at San Jose State University. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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