Ed Weick wrote:
> I'd suggest we're all a little predatory and psychopathic, though some more
> than others.

The big predators are a LOT MORE than others.  You keep muddling the issue
with slogans like "we're all ...".

>  The process of "reigning them in" has been tried many times.
> The French Revolution, for example, based in part of Thomas Paine's "Rights
> of Man" led to a lot of headchopping and the Napoleonic Wars.  The Russian
> Revolution, based on Marxist concepts of non-exploitation and equality, led
> to the repressive brutality of Stalinist USSR.  Reigning in the Jews in Nazi
> Germany led to the Holocaust.  What Mao tried to do in China has led to an
> aggressive and repressive state capitalism (which still audaciously calls
> itself "communism"!).  In the US, everyone can vote if they want to so we
> supposedly have democracy, but we also have the military-industrial complex
> and other interests lurking the in shadows and calling the shots.

You have listed examples of big predators messing up society (with Orwellian
pretexts of going after predators)!
But you pretend that these were examples of "reigning in big predators".

Hint: Big predators won't be reigned in by killing the wrong people.
Nor is it necessary to kill anyone.  All it takes is a correct analysis
and for the victims to act on it, in solidarity against the predators.
With the internet, the conditions for this are better than ever.
Another reason why your historical "examples" are not helpful.


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