
Fvwm-menu-directory stopped working for me a while back.
I'm using FC10 right now and the script doesn't generate anything

I still prefer to build my own menus for the things I invoke a lot but
having access to the desktop menus is  nice for finding things I don't
use often.

Looking around, it looks like the state of KDE/Gnome menus has advanced
significantly.  They follow a specification called XDG.

As part of ArchLinux I found a package called arch-xdg-menu that generates
menus for a whole bunch of window managers including Fvwm2.

It's a bit clumsy, it's not easy to find:


And when I unpack it it creates a few files and sub-directories.
The only file I find useful is xdg-menu which I use like this:

PipeRead 'xdg_menu --format fvwm2 2>/dev/null'
AddToMenu Utilities "&X. XDG Menu" Popup xdg_menu

The xdg-menu script is Perl and requires the Perl XML parser.

Any thoughts on better menu builders, what we should do with
fvwm-menu-directory or xdg-menu?

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