I've encounted a strange, and undesired, behaviour with matlab 7.x (maybe eralier versions too), and I've tried all fvwm options available and I still can't get it to work right. My conclution is that matlab must break some rule. I write this in hope that someone knows of a way to go around that behaviour.

Now to a description of the problem: I always run matlab in a terminal (-nodesktop), and I want that terminal to stay focused, even If you issue a command like "figure(1)". The problem is that, despite that I have
FocusStyle * !GrabFocus, OverrideGrabFocus, !FocusByProgram
in my config, matlap gives the focus to figure 1 if I isseu the command. If a figure already is active it will focus and raise. Otherwise it will start up focused. Even if I do 'Style "Figure *" NeverFocus' the figure will be focused on the command figure(1) (or when clicking on the window (but I use EnterToFocus, !LeaveToUnfocus, and not ClickToFocus, so it's matlab doing that focusing too). I tried to look at the focus code myself to see if there was anything I could do to force matlab not to focus it's figures on itself, but wasn't able to make out how the code worked.

I did however find that when starting matlab with -nojvm it does not steal the focus at all. However I sometimes need the jvm, so it's not a good solution.

I need some help by someone who know the specification, and more of the X-protocol than I do. I have two major questions:
1. Is it possible to make fvwm not allow the said focus change to happen?
2. Is matlab breaking any standard (and in that case what), and do you think it's worth submitting a bug report to MathWorks about it?


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