On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 11:28:47PM +0100, Viktor Griph wrote:
> I've encounted a strange, and undesired, behaviour with matlab 7.x 
> (maybe eralier versions too), and I've tried all fvwm options available 
> and I still can't get it to work right. My conclution is that matlab must 
> break some rule. I write this in hope that someone knows of a way to go 
> around that behaviour.

I've had a similar problem with a different proprietary application, it
used XSetInputFocus() whenever it wanted my attention, very annoying :)

If this is what it's doing, afaik there is no way around it. I solved
it with a preload library, for example, try this:

$ cat libmatlab.c 
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
int XSetInputFocus(Display *d, Window w, int i, Time t) { return 0;}
$ gcc -shared -fPIC libmatlab.c -o libmatlab.so
$ LD_PRELOAD=`pwd`/libmatlab.so matlab -nodesktop

If it works, you could create a wrapper script to set LD_PRELOAD before
starting matlab (dont have matlab here to test).

Hope this helps, Tavis.

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