On Sun, Apr 20, 2003 at 04:00:23PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> All pages seem to be converted. The new design is pretty usable now
> although it does not have yet all planned extra features.
> Please test it at http://fvwm.org/index.php
> I think we may make it the default today.
> The old pages may still be here, but they should be removed in some
> near future after error404 supports the old-to-new url mapping.
> BTW, thanks to Uwe who did all the design scripting.

Ahem, before that happens, a couple of important things have to

 1) Any windows-like decorations have to vanish.  Especially the
    big X in title button 1.
 2) The number of icons on the page has to reduce dramatically.
 3) Is *must* be possible to get to the logo competition rules
    without loading a page that shows all the submitted logos.

And I think it would look better if the pager bar started below
the page title, not at the top of the page:

  | The Official FVWM Home Page       |
  |                                   |
  || bla bla                || pager ||
  ||                        ||


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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