Bob Woodside wrote:
>> The ALT property of mini icons in the pager should be "", otherwise
>> some browsers (at least Opera) use this name initially before the
>> icons are loaded making the pager too wide initially.
>       The standard way to prevent this is to specify the exact width &
> height of each icon image, so the browser knows how much space to layout
> for it before loading it. I think most of the current browsers will pick
> up the title attribute for the balloon help if alt is missing, but older
> ones don't, and I've no idea what Lynx does; so I think we should keep
> the alt attribute.

The W3C standards are:

* "alt" is used by text-mode browsers to display a description of "what
  you would see if your browser could display images"

* "alt" is also displayed by graphical browsers if image loading is
  turned off (just like text-mode browsers), or the image hasn't been
  downloaded yet

* "title" is _the_ property to use for popup-info

Actually using "alt" for pop-up info is a bug/bad implementation of
standards (according to W3C), but some (most) browsers allow it.

Anyway, both "title" and "alt" should be provided with every image you
wish to have descriptions/popups.

(Grzegorz Nieweglowski)
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