On Sat, 25 Mar 2006, Dominik Vogt wrote:

On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 06:32:18PM +0100, Viktor Griph wrote:

does it exist any standard regulating the use of XResources? The reason I
ask is that I recently found out that fvwm honors the resources Desk, Page
and fvwmscreen for initial window positioning, and I find them quite neat
to use together with apps supporting the -xrm option.

I think that it  would be good with a way to specify a style with
resources in a similar  way. The idea was that under AddWindow, before
lookup_styles, add a resource lookup for some resource, say fvwmstyle,
and if present map it to a WindowStyle command with rhe resource value as
the style.

All in all it comes down to two questions:
Would adding such a resource break any standard?

I don't think so.

Good. Then I think it's ok as long as the resource starts with fvwm.

Is the feature described above something that should be added to fvwm?

I think it's a good idea, but I wouldn't export the style syntax
to the X resources.  Instead, it should just add the style name to
use for the application, i.e. (wahtever the correct syntax is).

 -xrm "fvwmstyle: foobar"

The correct syntax for that would be -xrm "*fvwmstyle:foobar".

would tell fvwm to use the style "foobar" for the application
(instead of the application name).

This way, the whole configuration is still in the config file and
there is no need to allocate styles dynamically (which is slow and
potentially buggy).

Sounds good, still if all you want is SkipMapping in addition to some default styles for the application, and want that for several different applications, that can result in many styles. However I belive that this way will be better with fvwm 3, so I'll give a try to implement it.

I alrady have a draft implementaton[1] of my earlier suggested behaviour that I did while waiting for a reply. Implementing the suggested functionality will require an addition to the window structure. That also raise the question if a provided style name should be used for anything but style lookups, and if these should be any other ways, but resources, to set the provided style name. While this can be decided later, it's good to think of it aleady. One possiblity would be a SetStyle command that changes the style name used by a window.


[1] http://www.dd.chalmers.se/~griph/style_resource.diff

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