On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, Dominik Vogt wrote:

On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 11:42:17AM +0200, Viktor Griph wrote:
Just some conciderations: The manpage states that styles are search for in
a specific order. I really fail to see how this information is useful
while examining the logic, other than for the face that matchig early will
save some comparitions. Am I missing something?

Do you mean this text:

 They are searched in the reverse order stated.
 When two conflicting styles apply to the same window, the style
 that was changed last wins.
I've always thought the first sentece "They are searched in the reverse order stated." referre back to the order given in the previous statement, i.e I've read "stated" as "stated here". Now that you say it it is fullt pssible, and probably makes more sence to interpet it as some sort of double information the the second sentence you quoted.

This just means that style lines issued later override earlier
styles.  The text is confusing, though.

I've committed a copy-paste-error fix (you never compared with


By the way, the function fw_match_style_id wasn't mentioned in
your original ChangeLog entry.  Please try to always mention *all*
changed functions.  This simplifies code maintenance enormously.

I thougt I did that. I must have overwritten the changelog entry for fw_match_style_id with some subsequent addition to an alrady open changelog witout reverting to a recently saved one.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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