an addendum to my previous post

On Wed, 9 Apr 2008, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:

I added an entire line with:
Style "Adobe Reader" StartsRaised, FPGrabFocus,NoTitle

The window manager title bar correctly disappears when I start acrobat reader in a window, but as soon as I go full screen it appears again. !!

It looks like a bug in acrobat reader 7 ... I tried also adding !Border, or replacing TitleAtBottom or TitleAtRight. When I initiate acroread they are honoured, but as soon as I go full screen the title bar appears on top, and then, even if I leave full screen, it remains there.

Similarly, if I start acroread with a -geometry option, this is honoured initially, but is lost as soon as I go full screen (title bar appears anchored in +0+0).

The only way I found to fix the thing is the following :

 - as soon as I am in full screen I use MB1 to get the window menu
   and invoke the Move function (or I could use standard Alt-F5)

 - with the arrow keys I move one glitch left, five glitches top
   (which displays -14 -25 to me, I have no idea why the movement is
   "quantized:), then press MB1

 - this freezes the window with the title bar almost entirely off screen
   (I still see some bits of the top and right border, I could get rid
   of them if I could nudge by 1 pixel at a time)

Is there an fvmw command which causes a move to a predefined geometry ? If so I could associate it to the window menu, and/or an accelerator XXX, so I'd do ctl-L XXX at the start of my presentation (instead of plain ctl-L)

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
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