On Wed, 9 Apr 2008, Thomas Adam wrote:

Why you're even touching ModulePath is unclear.  It's set by FVWM.
Leave it alone.

I had a ModulePath in my original .fvwm. I did not write it. It was there in the suse 9.2 .fvwmrc (which I edited). The xsession error on the suse 10 laptop showed an error about the location of FvwmAuto etc., so I located them and corrected ModulePath.

 Is this an fvwm thing, an acrobat thing or both ?

Oh, it will be almost certainly something in Acrobat Reader.  Some
xprop output would be nice here.

This is beyond my understanding (I may give the impression of knowing more than I actually do :-)) What should I do exactly ?

By the way, I just posted an addendum on the acrobat stuff.

 QUESTION: how can I force the automatical desktop switching ?

I am not sure you can.  This sounds like a quirk of Firefox to me.

You are saying it was (is) a quirk of my OLD firefox, not a bug on the new version ?

You could emulate it though if you wanted.

Yes thanks, How do I do that ? assign FPGrabFocus to Gecko or what else ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
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