I am slowly progressing towards what I described in the thread
Re: FVWM: again (semi-transparent) pseudo-cursors

 My purpose is to [make a presentation] in a videoconf [...], and being
 able to highlight parts of it moving the mouse (like a laser pointer
 in a local presentation).

I can start my pseudo-pointer from the root menu as

 + "LaserPointer " Exec xterm -name Laser -iconic

I can assign an icon (a png which is in my ImagePath ...) via the associated style, and change it via function keys (provided I point the current icon with the mouse).

Currently I use a "laser beam" icon, a circle and an oval icon with the inside transparent. At creation they appear in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Style Laser Icon beam.png ,
            StickyIcon, StickyAcrossDesks, Layer 9, !IconTitle,

PointerKey (Laser) F4 I N Style Laser Icon circle.png
PointerKey (Laser) F5 I N Style Laser Icon ellipse.png
PointerKey (Laser) F6 I N Style Laser Icon beam.png

I can also "switch off" my pseudo-pointer with a function key
PointerKey (Laser) F3 I N Close

I can move it around with a function key or control-MB1
PointerKey (Laser) F1 I N Move
Mouse (Laser) 1 I C Move (of course this has to be terminated by a mouse click)

And I can park it in the bottom-right corner with a function key
PointerKey (Laser) F2 I N Move -0 -0

*** now, what am I missing ? ***

I'd like to find a way to create the icon straight where the mouse is currently pointed (to avoid having to "retrieve" it from the parking position).

I thought I could do that e.g. with a shift-MB1 (currently I'm testing using a key on root window) provided I define a PROPER function

Mouse 1 A S PointLaser
Key A R A PointLaser

I thought the function could be something like this but the part which should move the icon has no effect. The icon is created in the default bottom-right corner and not under the mouse pointer.

DestroyFunc PointLaser
AddToFunc   PointLaser
 + I Exec xterm -name Laser -iconic
 + M Next (Laser) Move m+0 m+0

I tried adding this to the "Laser" style, to counteract something which could be in my configuration

    IconBox none, PositionPlacement UnderMouse

but the effect is that the icon is created in some (reproducible) random place on the screen.

I am not sure whether the Move command applies to the icon (or only when not iconified), nor that my syntax is correct. Nor I am sure of possible interferences with the rest of my .fvwmrc.

I am reporting below some lines of .fvwmrc which might be relevant and perhaps require overriding.

What should I do to have an application start iconified with the icon under the cursor ?

Style * IconBox 1000x70-1-1

ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
IgnoreModifiers L2
OpaqueMoveSize 100

Style "*"   SloppyFocus
Style "*"   IconBox -20 0 -1 -1 , IconFill bottom right
Style "*"   SmartPlacement
Style "*"   NoPPosition

Style * ManualPlacementIgnoresStartsOnPage, ActivePlacementIgnoresStartsOnPage

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info : http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/personal.html

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