Hello all,

Finally, my fvwm-TODO list is receiving attention.  I've finally got the
FvwmWiki up and running again, albeit in a limited fashion for now until I
convert all the pages over.  You can find the wiki here:


I am so sorry it's taken me this long to get round to this -- we're really
talking years here, for me to find the time for this.  I know it's been
asked a lot on these lists where it's gone.   Hopefully those of you who
asked will appreciate it.

It's no longer using MoinMoin anymore, since this just didn't scale at all
between versioned upgrades whatosever.  Instead, I've gone with using
ikiwiki [1], which will hopefully ease maintenance a little.

The ikiwiki for FvwmWiki is backed by a Git repository.  The files in
question use the MarkDown markup to describe [2] the pages.  This is
somewhat different to the previous markup used for the old MoinMoin wiki.

I've spent most of today writing a terrible perl script hack to convert the
old MoinMoin files over.  Thankfully, since I've contributed lots to the old
FvwmWiki, I was able to recall most of the pages in amongst all the bloody
spam which was present.   :)  Alas, I have only had time to convert over the
FvwmModule pages -- I'll get round to the others in due course, I promise.

In terms of editing, you'll need to create yourself an account [3].  You can
either have an account directly on the wiki, or if you have an OpenID
account, use that instead.

Of course, because this wiki is backed by a VCS, you can also checkout and
push anonymously using Git, which means the ability to edit/create markdown
pages using your favourite $EDITOR as well.  Hence:

cd && git clone git://fvwmwiki.xteddy.org/srv/git/fvwmwiki.git

Ought to get you started.  This also allows for anonymous push access as
well.  I've enabled this for a few reasons:

* I know from personal experience how annoying it is to edit wiki pages
  directly in a browser.
* Serious contributors are likely going to want to take the time to make
  their pages as good as possible, which isn't likely by editing text
  directly in a browser.

However, I would ask to be careful here -- my domain, xteddy.org, of which
fvwmwiki.xteddy.org is obviously hosted from, is only a tiny VM instance
from bytemark -- it only has 150MB RAM.  It's fine for persistant IRC
sessions, and a webserver, but if I suddenly find that there's been several
anonymous checkouts spamming the wiki to death, I will withdraw anonymous
SSH access, and editing of the wiki will only be avaiable via the browser

Obviously at the moment, it's very minimal until I convert the existing
pages over (I've got a nasty perl script I've written to do this, but it
still requires some manual fix-up, another sinkhole of my time).  But I
encourage anyone who wants to, to contribute!

This is a great way to contribute to FVWM, especially if you're not a
programmer, and want to turn your hand to improving documentation, etc.
Where I was largely motivated before from the old wiki to structure it well,
my time is less and less likely to be spent on this one (as I am
concentrating more and more on trying to make FVWM 2.5.X stable!)  So here's
some random tasks for would-be contributors to consider:

* Styling of the wiki.
* Coming up with a defined structure for it.
* Implementing page templates for known areas where bulk-contributions are
  likely (c.f. writing pages to describe FVWM-modules, Style commands,
  user-configs, etc).
* Amalgamating other sources of FVWM info to one reference point on the

If anyone is seriously going to do this, would they let me know so we can
discuss it?  Otherwise there's a serious chance for overlap from myself and
other contributors.

Obviously, if this turns out to be some major success story, I'd like to
talk to Jason Tibbets about the possibility of moving it to fvwm.org,
perhaps under the guise of "wiki.fvwm.org", although I suspect we're a long
way off from that.  For now, I am happy to host all of this for the benefit
of the FVWM community.

Thanks go to Klaus Umbach, for hosting the original wiki, and offering to
host this replacement.  Whilst that offer was greately received, the
realisation of hosting it myself for better means of access seems more
logical.   I would also ask that if there is anyone reading this who can
offer a more "permenant" hosting solution for this wiki, then do please get
in touch.

Other than that, I hope this helps those who were asking about the wiki, and
I hope people contribute to it!

Any problems, let me know.

-- Thomas Adam

[1] http://www.ikiwiki.info
[2] http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
[3] http://fvwmwiki.xteddy.org/fvwmwiki/ikiwiki.cgi?do=prefs

"It was the cruelest game I've ever played and it's played inside my head."
-- "Hush The Warmth", Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

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