On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 08:46:35PM +0000, David Chanters wrote:
> hi.
> i see in the cvs changelog for fvwm that the initialmapcommand doesnt
> now run on restart of fvwm.
> i liked this feature to remind me a restart had happened and that some
> windows got "hidden" for free
> can i have the old feature back?

No, I am afraid not.  Before I fixed it, it was broken.  I can't even think
of what you mean when you say "hidden".  I suppose you can use something
like this:

    DestroyFunc ExitFunction
    AddToFunc   ExitFunction
    + I Test (ToRestart) All (SomeApp) Iconify

But that's a really specific use-case, and may well just prove more silly
when the iconified window is recaptured by FVWM on restart anyway (due to
the window potentially receiving an icon, etc.) -- depending on what you
mean by "hidden" in this case though, as it's anyone's guess.

Mind if I ask you something?  Either you seem to be singling out the work I
am doing on FVWM, or you've got some extremely borderline, and
*coincidental* use-cases for the fixes I've been implementing over the last

Somehow this isn't tallying with me.

-- Thomas Adam

"It was the cruelest game I've ever played and it's played inside my head."
-- "Hush The Warmth", Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

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