Hello all,

I toy with this idea at least three times a year, which must mean something.
:)  I know I've asked this in the past of most people, but I will ask it
again -- not so much in terms of the particulars -- but if there's enough

Would a book on FVWM be useful?

I am thinking more in terms of discussing how/what to do with FVWM, and
what's needed to achieve it.  The standards behind how FVWM manages windows,
and how FVWM allows the user to control what this means, etc.

In the past I have called for a co-contributor, but this has fallen though,
so I figure if it's ever to get off the ground, I'll probably have to go it
alone, alas.

What do people think?  Whilst I realise the idea is a little odd, seeing as
a window manager changes a lot, but there's a tonne of stuff that could so
easily be written to make it somewhat timeless over different revisions of


-- Thomas Adam

"It was the cruelest game I've ever played and it's played inside my head."
-- "Hush The Warmth", Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

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