In message <icimtk99bl....@home.home>, 
Dan Espen <> wrote:

>>>Sorry, for FvwmCommand to work you need this in your config:
>>>AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmCommandS

OK, so now I have the following two commands added to my ~/.fvwm2rc 
file and I am still gitting the same issue, i.e. a big bloated analog
xclock appearing at some (apparently random) point on my screen, rather
than the place where it normally would be, and the digital xclock
supplanting it in the little box at the lower right of my (default
theme) screen...

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmCommandS
AddToFunc StartFunction I Test (Init) Exec exec xclock -digital -strftime '%a 
%b %d %T'

Grrr.  I can't imagine why this would be so hard.  I didn't think
what I wanted to do would be so complex.  Again, I just want a
digital xclock to appear in the blank space below the xbiff thingy
in the default theme.

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