What sounds weird to me, is that having available a debian package for
fvwm 2.4.6-2, which means that somebody has already made the effort, the
work has been stoped. 

So, it looks like fvwm package has become orphaned, or whatever way they
call this situation in debian.

So, before thinking seriously in packagin fvwm, I'll ask debian guys.

Thanks for your answer.


>I already said this several times in the past.
>If someone creates a clean procedure "make deb-dist release=1" 
>and "make deb-this" that does exactly what "rpm-dist" and 
>"rpm-this" does, it will be included in the fvwm sources. Then 
>everyone, for example yourself could build deb from any tar.gz 
>or cvs automatically in minutes.
>Of course the procedure should not add any extra files to deb 
>(or as less as possible) not to be different much from 
>installing from the sources. It may also use the same 
>configure options that the rpm procedure does.
>> I'm new in the list, but not in fvwm. I'm running debian in my box, 
>> and I wanted to update to the last stable fvwm version. But 
>the thing 
>> is that it seems there is no debian package with fvwm.(fvwm*.deb) in 
>> fvwm.org.
>> Am I right?, or I'm just not looked for correctly. Then, where can I 
>> find it?.
>> Otherwise, I'm thinking in packagin it for debian.
>> Let's see.

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