I had asked about how to get a digital xclock in the empty space just under
the analog xclock and the xbiff thingy in the default theme for fvwm...

In message <cajabfbicrhymoloqu1rpxan5hjyrffqbjqajalfdru2pqxm...@mail.gmail.com>,
Jaimos Skriletz <jaimosskril...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Add this command to your StartFunction
>AddToFunc StartFunction I Test (Init) Exec exec xlock -digtal -strftime '%a %b 
>%d %T'
>The test is just to ensure it is only run during the init (first
>start) And not after ever restart.

OK, so I tried that, fixing the one small typo (digtal->digital), which
was my fault, since it was present in my original question.

The bad news is that just adding that one line top my ~/.fvwm2rc
file -did- create an effect, but not at all what was intended.

What happened was that the original analog xclock in the default theme
got pushed out to a place on my destop that is sort-of near to the center
top of my screen (and it was rendered MUCH bigger than before) and the
digital xclock got kind-of stuffed into the little box where the analog
xclock formerly was (in the default theme)... except of course that the
text of my new digital xclose could not fix in that small space, so it
just got cut off after the first few (leftmost) characters.

So, bottom line, I'm still hoping that someone will tell me how to get
a digital xclock into the empty space in the default theme that sits
below the xbiff icon thingy and the analog xclock.

I can't imagine that this should be too awfully difficult, but I quite
certainly have no idea how to do it properly.

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