I'm having issues enrolling a new SSL certificate from Verisign into my R65
Cluster for SNX usage.

Verisign issues 3 CA Certificates:


The certificate hierarchy goes like this below:


Root CA - G1

Primary Intermediate - G5 2021

Secondary Intermediate G3 

SSL Cert 


I was successfully able to 

1)Create the ROOT CA, 

2) then two additional subordinate CA for each of the intermediate CA

3)Then went in to create a Certificate on the actual firewall object from
the Secondary Intermediate G3 CA, 

4)generated CSR with appropriate DN (I quadruple checked the accuracy of

5) and then submitted back to Verisign.


When attempting to complete the process with the signed item back from
Verisign, we get an error message: 


"The new issued certificate does not match the enrollment request"


The worse thing is that I have NO issues with any of the Trial SSL process
from Thawte AND Verisign themselves.but only with the production one..


Has anyone been able to successfully import a Verisign SSL Cert for SNX

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