
I have just finished writing down 3 blog posts regarding the usage of each
of the current supported gateways by Zend_Payment. All of them were tested
already (Paypal was tested as much as i could test it). Since there are lots
of text written and the code examples are fairly long i decided to post this
in a blog rather in the wiki. The wiki loads very slow for me as it is and
posting so much text will just make the Page load even slower and look
longer. (I am still trying to figure out how to use those tabs)

So i will appreciate any feedback from who ever was/is willing to help by
either contributing to the code and/or posting some feedback. I think most
of it is done but you can always make something even better.

I have taken the time to add some methods i thought will be very usefull
(EX: Ability to return a formatted URL for paypal/moneybookers webscr

Zend_Payment_Gateway_Tranzila -

Zend_Payment_Gateway_MoneyBookers -

Zend_Payment_Gateway_Paypal -

I have taken the time to add all methods supported by Paypal and
MoneyBookers into this component. The more members trying this the better.
By that we could eliminate all bugs we will find. Altough the blog is
written in another language all three blog posts were written in English to
address to as many members as possible.

You can comment in the posts or here, Doesn't matter.

Vincent Gabriel.
Lead Developer, Senior Support.
Zend Certified Engineer.
Zend Framework Certified Engineer.
-- http://www.vadimg.co.il/

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