On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 6:48 PM, Vadim Gabriel <vadim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> Wow. Talking about feedback. Those are some great pointers you have right
> there. I will tackle them starting tomorrow to make it as much as developer
> friendly as possible. Now to your pointers
> About the first question you had with the notification upon payment or
> subscription. From what i have read about it on paypal's developer central
> and across the web is that you specify a return url or a notify_url that
> paypal 'pings' or silently callbacks and that link can just be an action in
> a controller that uses one of the methods to process the payment. I am not
> sure if this is the exact case but in my testing (using sandbox) my
> subscriptions were processed fine. So more testing on this or ideas will be
> required i assume. To receive notifications based on the way your processing
> the request the _parseIPNResponse will be used for 3 methods that actually
> need it and they are documented in the class. I am not that familiar with
> Paypal so if anyone willing to give this a go and test/edit the code he is
> more then welcome.
> (...)
> 5) What if i want to get the returned array and use it's contents for
> storing? I see the point of having isVerfiedAddress but wouldn't it be a
> better idea to have both then just returning a single boolean value?

That would be a different method though. I mean, personally, I have
nothing against anyone storing the data, I just meant that is*()
methods should be reserved for true/false cases. I'm following PHP
basically -- is_file, is_readable, is_array, ...

> 6) I was thinking about that while i was wrtting this. But then i said for
> consistency i should stick with one class for each gateway. It's not a
> problem to split those up to there appropriate classes. That's why i wanted
> this feedback. The question is if this is something that more developers
> would like to see? And in what way to split them up?

IMHO, it would be nice since it makes the API more simple and cleaner.

> 7) They maybe not named the way you said it but by default they return the
> link not redirect. If you pass a boolean value of true to the $autoRedirect
> then it will redirect. Both options are available.

That's a fair compromise. ;-)

> (...)
> 9) Ahh i tried really hard on this one (phpdoc) and i provided the right
> phpdoc style for the file, class, methods and property names. What did i
> miss? Could you be more specific?

Oh, basically I think you could improve the documentation by completing it.

I also like @see, or @uses. I'm not so sure what the ZF CS requires or
allows. Best double-check the manual. Some of the descriptions could
be more detailed (I thought), but sometimes an easier name for a
method or maybe breaking it up into sub classes would make that

> 10) Yes, I was thinking if throwing exceptions will be a better choice then
> just storing the error message returned in a class variables and then
> retriving them later on. At some point i even included both. Do you think
> throwing exceptions will be best handled? If so i could probably throw them
> then just storing the message in a varible.

Maybe allow people to control the behavior?

> 11) Actually that's already exists. and used in the Tranzila gateway. If you
> take a look at the Zend_Payment_Gateway_Abstract you will notice them

You're right, I oversaw that. Then my request would be to use them
everywhere in order to make it consistent.

> (...)
> Thanks again for the feedback. And if you or anyone else would like to help
> out, It will be apprecaited.

I can give feedback always. That's for sure!
Also, we are in the process of evaluating different providers right
now. Maybe I can contribute another gateway.

Is Tranzila any good?


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