
I have this in a module:

'console' => array('router' => array('routes' => array(
    'PDDO-build-dataobjects' => array(
         'options' => array(
            'route' => 'PDDO build',
            'defaults' => array(
                'controller' => 'PearDbDataObject\Controller\Console',
                'action'     => 'build',


to give me a console route to this controller/action.

I also have the Assetic-bundle module installed, which has a similar route installed, which is called 'assetic build'.
The assetic setup is included first in my merged config.

The problem is, whenever I now call

php public/index.php assetic build

it is my PDDO build action that is run.

It looks like the 'build'-part of the route is triggering the wrong route.

It looks like a bug ... but is it?

Mads Lie Jensen

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