On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Philip G <g...@gpcentre.net> wrote:
> That's the thing, I don't know what's correct. And I'm already spending
> more time than I should be trying to decipher Zend\Di to determine if it
> fully suits my needs.

Obligatory question: do you specifically need Zend\Di, or more
generally an Inversion of Control (IoC) container?

I ask, as we're generally no longer pushing usage of the Zend\Di
component, in favor of using Zend\ServiceManager as an IoC container.
While the Di component attempts to "guess" how wiring should occur,
you typically end up having to do a lot to correct errors in wiring,
as well as jump through many hoops if you want to do anything custom,
such as provide specific implementation types to use in specific
cases, or provide scalar configuration for instances. Additionally,
unless you've cached the wiring discovered by the reflection scanner,
it tends to perform really, really poorly.

The ServiceManager is far easier to configure, and much more
performant (though, as with just about any generalized component,
could be even better).

If you are looking for an IoC container to manage DI for your various
services/instances, I'd recommend Zend\ServiceManager instead of

> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 11:14 AM, Frank Brückner
> <d...@froschdesignstudio.de>wrote:
>> Please report the problems on the bug tracker.
>> https://github.com/zendframework/zf2-documentation/issues
>> Thanks!
>> Kind regards,
>> Frank
>> Am 10.01.2014, 20:07 Uhr, schrieb Philip G <guice...@gmail.com>:
>>  Is there any better Zend\Di\Di configuration array in the wild? The one on
>>> the docs page is wrong: the hierarchy is completely incorrect, and it's
>>> missing a number of keys.
>>> Is there a better example somewhere else? Something that displays all
>>> possible configuration options?
>>> ---
>>> Philip
>>> g...@gpcentre.net
>>> http://www.gpcentre.net/
>> --
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Matthew Weier O'Phinney
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