En réponse à Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> It might be nice to see a "Judge's Prize" for the solution that the
> judge liked best. It doesn't even have to be the shortest. (It doesn't
> even have to qualify, given how much "-p 11..&" tickled the judge this
> time 'round)

Yes, the Judge's Prize could even be given to a not that short entry that
was very creative or aesthetically (?) pleasant.
> >> > 4. Hole Difficulty
> > nothing is too easy :) I think any task wich can be solved with
> > regular, readable, non-tricky, few lines (screenpage?) solution will
> > be ok
> Easy is definitely good. It might be nice to see one hole be a 'Take
> this program and make it shorter' type challenge though. And that
> could be something with reasonably complex behaviour...

Yes, something like a short compressor/decompressor, or sorting routine.
Something with a well-known algorithm : the judge writes (or take a
standard) Perl implementation (with a test suite), and the golfers
shorten it to death! The first steps are easy: remove comments, newlines,
shorten all vars to one char. Then the competition really begins.

 Philippe BRUHAT - BooK

 When you run from your problem, you make it that much harder for good
 fortune to catch you, as well.     (Moral from Groo The Wanderer #14 (Epic))

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