Current Leaderboard
 1.   65   Eugene van der Pijll
 2.   69   Rick Klement
 3.   74   Keith C Ivey
 4.   75   Ton Hospel
 5.   77   Tim Gim Yee
 6.   79   Wesley Darlington
 7.   80   Yanick
 8.   81   Matthew Byng-Maddick
 9.   84   Daryl Olson
10.   84   sthoenna
11.   84   Piers Cawley
12.   84   BooK
13.   84   Jerome Quelin
14.   85   Sean McAfee
15.   87   Ronald J Kimball
16.   87   Alistair McGlinchy
17.   88   Ala Qumsieh
18.   94   Bart Lateur
19.   95   Evan A Zacks
20.   96^  Peter Scott
21.  103   Honza Pazdziora
22.  120   Cedric Bouvier

Beginner's Leaderboard
 1.   85   Qingning Huo
 2.   90^  Peter Makholm
 3.   91   David Lowe
 4.   92   Aaron Trickey
 5.   94^  Jason Henry Parker
 6.   96   Anthony J Breeds-Taurima
 7.   97   Phil Radden
 8.   98   Dave Hoover
 9.   99   Stephen Turner
10.  101   Joerg Ziefle
11.  101   Jeff Helman
12.  102   Byron Jones
13.  106^  Rick Myers
14.  108   Scott Wessels
15.  109   Kwok Chern Yue
16.  116   Josh Schulz
17.  123^  Jean-Pierre Vidal

^ Indicates upward movement since last leaderboard

Hole Leaders
Hole 1: Eugene van der Pijll
Hole 2: Rick Klement, Tim Gim Yee, Yanick, Keith C Ivey,
        Eugene van der Pijll, Daryl Olson, sthoenna,
        Ton Hospel, Piers Cawley, Wesley Darlington,
        Jerome Quelin, BooK

As usual, please let me know of any misprints above.
We now have a total of 39 entrants.

I believe Eugene's solution is sound and BoB cannot beat
it (yet;-).


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