Sorting 1000 items involves a _lot_ more than 1000
comparisons - which is really all you need.  If you insist
on your approach you should memoize vercmp() or use the
orcish maneuver in your sort() callback. (Memoizing will
accelerate it across all of your script, but the orcish
maneuvre will accelerate your callback more because it
avoids unnecessary function calls. Using both at once is
not likely to be any worthwhile optimization over simply
memoizing due to double bookkeeping though.)

But why build a list with all available versions and sorting
it, when you can discard less recent new packages right as
you build it?

You're also wasting effort in other places.

> # pkgname, ver, rel
> my @installed = map { [ /^(.*)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)$/ ] } `rpm -qa`;
> my %installed = map { $_->[0], $_ } @installed;

my %installed = map { /^(.*)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)$/ ? ($1, [$2,$3]) : ()} `rpm -qa`;

> my @available = map { [ /^((.*)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)\.[^.]+\.rpm)$/ ] } 

my %available;
for(/<a\s+href="([^"]+\.rpm)"/gi) {
        next unless
                and exists $installed{$1}
                and -1 == vercmp($2,$3, @{$installed{$_}});

        $available{$1} = [$0, $2, $3]
                if not exists $available{$1}
                or -1 == vercmp($2,$3, @{$available{$1}}[1,2]);

# now printing results is trivial

print map "$url/".$available{$_}[0]."\n", sort keys %available;


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