LOL I know. It's because the connecter inside starts to come loose. There are even systems that can play games from multiple consoles I.E. NES and Super NES together. I own one but it has some quirks that I don't like. For one thing it's extremely hard to remove the games once they're inserted. And in the case of SNES games it can sometimes take several tries to get the game into the slot in suc a way that te system registers it. Moreover it messes up the audio in some NES games.

But thou must!
-----Original Message----- From: Desiree Oudinot
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 6:01 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] A Possible Offer To Consider

Really? I didn't know that. That's something I'll have to take a look
into. Lol, yes, the blinking screen. that and the fact that it usually
takes about 8 tries to get any game to work properly.

On 4/21/13, Bryan Peterson <> wrote:
Except nowadays there are NES style controllers that ca conect to a PC. So
you can still get that controller feel on an emulator without having to
worry about the NES messing up on you, which they do from time to time (the

dreaded blinking screen anyone?)

But thou must!
-----Original Message-----
From: Desiree Oudinot
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 5:04 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] A Possible Offer To Consider

This is a really tough call. On one hand, I do think that these games
will always have their place, even just for nostalgia's sake. But is
that enough to update them to run on modern systems? My gut reaction
is to say no.
I think that part of the nostalgia of these games may be just
that--playing them on older systems. For example, although I have a
Nintendo emulator on my computer, when I'm in the mood to play
Millipede or Duck Hunt or TMNT, I borrow my sister's NES system for a
bit and go at it. there's something about the feel of the controller
in my hand that pressing buttons on a computer keyboard doesn't give
me. It takes me back to when I was a kid and playing those games.
Likewise, although this is obviously slightly different, if I ever
upgrade to a system that's incompatible with the old titles from BSC,
or even older stuff like Grizzly Gulch or even some of the old DOS PCS
demos I have lying around, I'm going to keep an older computer around
just for this purpose.
At the moment, both my desktop and laptop are running Windows 7. I
have no plans to upgrade to 8 for a long time to come, and by then I'm
sure there will be another version of Windows that's the most modern
anyway. Besides, since Windows 7 will be supported for another 10
years at least, I'm not worried that I'll lose my access to these
games. I can see myself most definitely retiring one of my machines,
putting it in storage, and dusting it off if I want to play some old
games. I actually have an old tower that has Windows XP on it, but it
needs a new fan. If I really wanted to, I could fix that up and use it
for a gaming machine. That, to me, would be the equivalent of what I
do now when I occasionally play Nintendo games. there's something
exciting about that for me.
So, no, I don't think any of these games should be flushed down the
toilet and treated with derision, but I don't think it's necessary to
get bogged down in specifics, either. The world is always moving
forward. Let's try to make our audio games do the same.

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